Sessions available in Auckland and Wanaka, NZ

You are the true healer of yourself and with the love and guidance from your higher self, nothing is impossible. 

QHHT is so deep and powerful, you only require one session.

Session includes:

  • Preliminary phone consultation if desired

  • Preparation instructions

  • 5 to 7 hour QHHT session

    • Life interview and review of client's most important questions

    • 2 hour hypnosis session

    • Post-session review talk

  • Audio recording file of the hypnosis session for home listening    


Hypnosis sessions  are conducted in a very professional, kind and loving manner, supporting the client fully.

Cost $300.00 per session

I look forward to hearing from you.

021 412 011

Four Tips to a great session

  1. Try to see and feel it in as much detail as you can activating all your senses

  2. Always trust and answer with the first thing that comes to mind

  3. Talk and talk a lot, describing what you see and feel

  4. Trust what you are seeing is perfect for you