Frequently asked questions

What do I need to do to prepare for a session?

Prepare a list of questions you would like some guidance on.

Refrain from consumption of alcohol, coffee, smoking or recreational drugs on the day of your session. We want to help you naturally enter into a wonderful state of deep relaxation.

Eat a meal so that it would sustain you for at least 4 hours but don’t over-eat.

I will record your session but feel free to bring your recording device. Listening to your recording is a very important step to continue your self healing.

Come with an open heart and mind and understand whatever you experience in your unique session will be perfect for you. Trust in yourself and the process you are never given more than you can handle.

Can I bring someone with me?

I understand you may like to bring someone to be with you during your session, however it is essential that you have complete privacy. In the presence of someone else you may not feel comfortable sharing things with me at a deep level that would optimise your session. It is important that you share with me all that you want, in a safe & confidential space.

What happens in a session?

We need to allow at least 4 hours of uninterrupted time:

  • 2 hours – Open conversation where I get to know all about you and your life & we’ll look at your questions.

  • 2 hours maximum – Hypnosis Induction, regression to a different time, engaging with your SC/Higher self, and Healing.

  • 20 to 30min - We have a debrief about the session.

The session will begin with a one-on-one “get-to-know-you” chat before the hypnosis takes place. Once you feel comfortable and ready, I will guide you into a light trance-like state by helping you focus on your energy, breathing, and visualisation. Through a series of methodical questions, I will ask your subconscious a list of questions that you have prepared, which will unveil mysteries and information of who you were in your past lives. Once the past life regression session and healing sessions are complete, you will be calmly and gently “counted up” from your hypnosis and back to being fully aware.

In my experience, most clients vary between being totally aware to not remembering much. It is almost like when you wake up from a dream and that dream begins to fade. This is another reason why I provide you with a recording so you can remember the experience.

Most people will experience more and more insight and understanding each time the listen to the recording. The messages within contain a unique personal healing experience for you. It is imperative to understand that healing occurs in all states of awareness. Often healing will continue to occur over time and listening to the recording is a key part of this.

After the session, some may feel as though they had imagined it, but it is recommended that you don’t allow your analytical mind to hi-jack the experience and the information you received. Instead, it is important to become mindful of your own experiences, synchronicities, and the difference you feel afterward as you allow the transformation to unfold. You have now had an intimate connection to your inner wisdom that can guide you towards your greatest good and purpose.

What happens after a session?

After the session we will have a debrief to discuss whatever experience, learning, or healing you felt or want to share. I recommend you listen to your recording at home on your own first before sharing with whom you wish. It’s advisable to eat something after your session to ground yourself and go to bed at the same time as usual.

Most people report feeling refreshed, positive and energized. You will leave the session knowing a lot more about yourself than you did when you arrived.

Can anyone be hypnotised?

Dolores Cannon always said that anyone can be hypnotised but only if they want to be. 90% of what happens during your session is up to you. This technique is extremely restful & restoring. It allows us to access the same 'hypnotic' states of consciousness - theta, that we all naturally drift into just before falling asleep & waking up each day.  All hypnosis is essentially self-hypnosis.

What physical aliments can QHHT help?

Following are examples of the extraordinary results Dolores Cannon and her QHHT® Practitioners alike have experienced with clients and subjects during their sessions:

• Cancer – various types at various stages cleared
• Cartilage – reconstruction between joints
• HIV – cleared and eradicated
• Heart – healed with no surgery required
• Liver – fully functional regeneration and restoration
• Kidney – fully functional regeneration and restoration
• Wounds – regeneration with no scarring
• Migraines –root causes explained and removed
• Vision – 20/20 eyesight restored with no need for corrective vision
• Diabetes – causes explained and cleared
• Intestines – conditions cleared
• Back – middle and lower area problems cleared
• Neck/Shoulder – pain identified and causes cleared
• Lungs – problems identified and cleared
• Skin – problems identified and cleared