
Jane’s presence, compassion and unconditional listening provided the space for me to openly share anything. I felt safe with her and a resonance best described as a soul sister. Her skills in asking relevant questions and ‘dancing’ with my process are priceless.

 I really appreciate the five hours that Jane spent with me allowing space for me to express the challenges of my human experience and then guiding me to connect with my Subconscious (SC), my inner spirit, helping me to understand why I did have those experiences and how they relate to the pain and discomfort in my body.

All the answers were spoken by me. Jane asked my Subconscious if it could heal the parts affected in my body and she kept checking on how the process of that was going and how long it may take. My Subconscious said that the healing will continue in my sleep. She asked my Subconscious how often to listen to the recording and over what period. The recording is a powerful reminder of the presence of my Subconscious, the lessons learned from it and that the subconscious is continuing to heal my body.

When I resurfaced from the session my whole body was buzzing with an amazing energy which settled for the trip home. Since the session, I feel that something has shifted. My body feels more at ease, my mind feels more at ease. I've been writing (which I haven’t done for a long time) and processing the experience and I feel more connected with my Subconscious, it seems like some of my writing is inspired by my inner spirit, my S.C.

I so appreciate Jane's generosity with her time and energy and how she held the space so I could connect with my inner spirit, my subconscious. I love the way this connection is more palpable and how it is continuing to be here with me now. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I knew just enough about QHHT to book a session and was nervous about how it would go.  Jane is very welcoming and has a lovely peaceful aura which calmed me down as soon as I arrived.

Jane is very skilled at getting your body and mind relaxed so your subconscious/higher self can be heard.  I had very small expectations going into the session but with Jane's help I was soon up with the stars. 

I had a torn achilles and limped into my session - going up stairs was slow and painful. During the session Jane guided me to healing my achilles!  I was immediately able to run up and down stairs and walk without limping!!

QHHT with Jane was life changing for my body and soul. I am now able to see the bigger picture and am able to understand my life and place in the universe. QHHT is a big step to take and I felt very safe during the process.  Thank you Jane for helping me find the answers to some mysteries in my life. 


Before meeting Jane and doing a QHHT session I didn't believe in Hypnosis, Now I'm convinced it can play an important role in personal development and growth. The care and attention Jane gave to the session was second to none. I felt safe and supported and gained a lot from my time with her. Thanks Jane


I had a session with Jane and it was really powerful.  Jane is really compassionate and understanding and her way of taking me through the process was very soothing and insightful.  I would highly recommend Jane to anyone that wants to do QHHT work.


In my first QHHT experience, I felt safe and supportive throughout the process with Jane. During the process, Jane guided me into a state of deep relaxation and trance, where I was able to access information and memories to help me in my everyday life.

The session with Jane provided me with insights and understanding that have helped me to grow in my current lifetime.

I highly recommend having a QHHT session with Jane. She is calm, understanding, curious and passionate about people. I felt her support strongly the entire time I was with her. With much love and thanks.


I must admit the idea of talking about my life followed by hypnotherapy initially seemed a daunting prospect however, I found Jane extremely professional yet warm and friendly. She made the whole process surprisingly easy and even enjoyable. I was surprised at my experiences and even more surprised listening later to the recording. I highly recommend Jane and have had so much insight that I have been back more than once.


If you are interested in doing QHHT I can highly recommend working with Jane. She creates a safe, inviting space and is warm, understanding and easygoing yet professional.

I had an interesting and enlightening experience that showed me a vision of a monk alchemist, which I now take as a metaphor for sitting quietly and being an alchemist of my reality. While I didn’t experience a magic cure-all of my health problems, my health is something I will find the answer to in time, but I take it that is my advice for now. The experience was followed by many realisations and synchronicities in the days following and I am very grateful for it.

I also identified energetic blockages at certain points in my body. Above all, receiving advice from myself was amazing and I loved listening back to the tape and hearing my own advice. It also gave me more encouragement to listen to myself more in general and to focus on myself instead of things outside of myself.



My QHHT session with Jane was very revealing.  Jane made me feel comfortable and at ease throughout and was very thorough in her preparation and questioning prior to the hypnosis.  

The information gained from my session has given me insight and a deeper understanding of aspects of my life.  Days later as I continue to listen to the recording I am aware of further integration, and a sense of peace when I think of the issues I was wanting clarification on.  

I would definitely recommend Jane as a practitioner if you are considering a QHHT session. 


First time I heard of QHHT was through Jane and I was immediately interested in giving it a go. Jane was very professional through the whole session and I felt really safe opening up to her. It was a super interesting experience and I’m definitely keen to do it again.

I can highly recommended Jane!


I have recently had my first session with Jane. She was very welcoming and spent time getting to know me and asked relevant questions about why I was coming to see her.

Jane explained the whole process to me which made me feel relaxed and I felt confident that she was going to guide me through our time together with care and understanding. After the session I felt as if I had had a big rest, I felt calm and at ease with myself.

Spending time working with Jane would be beneficial to anyone and everyone. It's definitely a positive experience.
